
Our team of project managers specialize in all fields of international commerce and focus on the respective regions of the world. With a cultural background and knowledge of languages, our team is equipped to assist your business down to the finest details.
Kayuha Von Streiber
Project Manager
Kayuha is a logistics and customs expert with specialization in EAEU and EU customs. He is fluent in English, Russian, and German. For the past ten years, Kayuha has been working with European companies in assisting them with their operations on the EAEU market.
Aleksandr Kim
Project Manager
Aleksandr is an expert on digital marketing. For the past six years he has been assisting companies in their e-commerce operations throughout the world. Aleksandr speaks English, Russian and Mandarin, he works in Python, C++ and Java.
Arman Ibragimov
Project Manager
Arman is a distribution channel expert, he specializes in identifying and securing the proper distribution channel as well as obtaining all conformity documentation for your company's product line. Arman is fluent in Russian, Turkish and Arabic.
Anna Vavilova
Project Manager
Anna is a legal and tax expert that specializes in compliance matters of entities on foreign markets. She has over fifteen years of experience in facilitating companies' foreign operations. Anna is fluent in English and Russian.
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